About Us

Some addictions are actually good – take our love of beauty, not only on the level of aesthetics but also functionality, social responsibility or innovations.
In “LABEL”, we present creative, talented people who show that passion and faith in your dreams are values which we want to hold onto. We show you extraordinary, sophisticated objects because we want to live more beautiful, interesting and better lives.
Each edition of “LABEL” is a new chapter. There is no time for boredom, malaise or repetitions here. Sometimes there is an idea for the leitmotif, followed by the cover; sometimes it is the other way round. Quite frequently, under the influence of a stimulus or a stunning picture, we change everything in a few seconds. And we are happy to do that! This is because FREEDOM is the most important feature of our work. It is devoid of patterns or anything imposed; what you will find is curiosity of the world, our own decisions and our ideas coming to fruition.
„The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

“LABEL” is created where ingenious people with passion and creative energy roam. We work anywhere we want. All we need is support for our backs and legs and computers connected to Wi-Fi. Sometimes, the best ideas come to our minds e.g. on a plane but our business meetings tend to be held on the ground, like for example in our Warsaw-based office.

We interact with beginners as well as iconic artists whom we have admired for years. Breathless, oftentimes emotional, we listen to stories of their experience, life and work. Many times these conversations affect not only the subjects presented in “LABEL” but also our personal decisions. To say that they inspire us is an understatement. They frequently open up a new space for us where bold ideas emerge. The differences between us and others excite our curiosity while similarities contribute to agreement.

If you can dream it, you can do it.
We cooperate with people who, just like us, appreciate liberty and artistic freedom, but who are predominantly PASSIONATE about what they do. They frequently enjoy fulfilment in other areas and spaces far away from an editor’s desk. We support them in the process and enjoy their success.
Joanna Sokołowska
już w dzieciństwie wypełniała ją kreatywna energia. Z tego powodu wolny czas lubiła spędzać na szeroko pojętym tworzeniu. To zamiłowanie zostało jej do teraz. Właśnie z tego powodu po zdaniu egzaminu adwokackiego poczuła potrzebę zmiany kierunku swojej drogi zawodowej. Złożyła CV do „LABELa”. Dziś jako członkini redakcji pisze i redaguje teksty, a także prowadzi media społecznościowe. Uwielbia piękne magazyny i książki – z przyjemnością bierze udział w ich powstawaniu.
Magda Burkiewicz
do internetowego i drukowanego wydania „LABELa” pisze o wnętrzach, dizajnie i architekturze. Uwielbia włóczęgę pod każdą postacią: górską, kajakową, rowerową i miejską. Dla tej ostatniej potrafi przemierzyć dziesiątki kilometrów na nogach, by zajrzeć w najmniej oczywiste zakamarki miasta. Kiedyś produkowała podcasty, teraz nałogowo ich słucha.

Paweł Rafa
he either does spectacular things or does nothing at all. Creator of “LABEL” and “& LIVING” magazines. He is a creative soul, an aesthete and perfectionist, all in one. He hates compromise. This combination of traits of character proves a godsend for the magazines in which he takes care predominantly of the visual part. In his free time, he passionately explores the remotest locations in the world; the newly discovered cultures are his sources of inspiration. First and foremost, he appreciates his (also creative) freedom and independence. He is happy when other people are inspired by his work.

Magda Świć
creator of “LABEL” and “& LIVING” magazines. She comes across as a well-organised graduate of German philology and an avid fan of yoga. Magda’s external calm conceals explosive creativity. She is inspired by practically everything, most of all by Berlin. Paper is a great love of her life; she has an impressive home collection of magazines and albums. She relishes the fact that “LABEL” is flourishing and taking the world by storm.

Zuzanna Skalska
one of the most influential women in Polish design. Since the beginning of “LABEL”, she has been on top of the most important developments in the world and she shows areas worth exploring. As a world-famous analyst of trends in design, innovations and business, she shares her knowledge with us and our readers. On a daily basis, she works on her own brand 360inspiration.nl.

Bartek Szeląg
he shows his passion in conversations with our clients and is willing to share his impressive knowledge of design. On top of architecture and good design, Bartek is interested in guitars and – as he puts it – plays them a little bit in leisure time. His hobbies also include all types of cars.

Marta Mikiel
a journalist who combines writing and other activities like charity, communication projects or sports events. Fortunately, she keeps coming back to writing. She feels most comfortable as an interviewer. She has interviewed the pantheon of stars and personalities representing very different areas and specialities, ranging from the world of art to sport, science and the economy.

Lucyna Redo
a biologist by education but she resigned from a job in a venerable research institute for the benefit of editorial work. She learnt to love printed magazines in her family home. Designing jewellery is her passion. Lucy is in her element meeting our clients.

Izabela Zięba
likes good architecture and Italy, hates clichés, worn-out words and the adjective “designer”. In “LABEL” she works as a journalist and supports us in editorial work. In her free time, she writes books for children.

Anna Jankowska
journalist and photographer. She spends more than six months a year travelling and looking for beautiful spots, interesting people and intriguing subjects. She considers herself extremely lucky because she indulges her passion which is a part of her daily work. She is totally fixed on designer armchairs and chairs; as a result, seats are abundant in her home.