Francja zakazuje używania plastikowych toreb na warzywa i owoce
Wraz z nowym rokiem, we Francji weszły w życie zapisy zakazujące używania w sklepach plastikowych toreb na większość warzyw i wybrane owoce.

Domomarket – targi autorskie już 17-18 września w Domotece
Szeroki wybór mebli i artykułów wyposażenia wnętrz, wyróżniających się doskonałym designem, to znak rozpoznawczy Domoteki. Klienci świetnie wiedzą, co mogą znaleźć w ofercie, a także z jakich materiałów wykonane są produkty. Domoteka idzie jednak o krok dalej i w kreatywny sposób dopełnia swój asortyment. Temu służy wydarzenie Domomarket – targi autorskie, które odbędą się w dniach 17-18 września 2021 roku. Będzie można na nich nabyć unikatowe produkty modowe, biżuteryjne czy dekoracyjne.

Różowa plaża w Amsterdamie
Na dobry początek wakacji mamy coś dla wszystkich, którzy lubią patrzeć na życie przez różowe okulary. W centrum Amsterdamu powstało niezwykłe miejsce spotkań. Pink Beach, bo tak się ono nazywa, pozwala przenieść się w bardzo surrealistyczny wymiar.

Google will show the route with the lowest carbon footprint
Although the optimal solution would be to choose public transport or a bicycle instead of a car, not everyone can afford it. That's why Google Maps introduces a new feature that aims to take care of the environment. Its purpose is to show the driver the route that will generate the lowest possible carbon footprint.

H&M HOME zaprasza do świata Diane von Furstenberg
Współpraca Diane von Furstenberg x H&M HOME zachęca nas do wyrażania siebie poprzez wystrój naszych wnętrz. Kolekcja składa się z odważnych i kolorowych nadruków, z których słynie Diane von Furstenberg. Znajdziemy w niej między innymi: zebrę, lamparta, czy wzór ust. Kolekcja składa się z 32 produktów, w której znajdziemy elementy wyposażenia wnętrz i artykuły dekoracyjne, w tym: wełniane koce, poszewki na poduszki, pudełka, tace, świece, filiżanki do espresso, talerzyki, wazony, plakaty, szlafrok.

Drugie życie komody
Karolina Pach ma nietypową pasję - realizuje się artystycznie w malowaniu, zdobieniu i stylizacji mebli. W jej pracowni Hokus Pokus Home metamorfozy przechodzą często komody, krzesła, szafy, biurka i stoliki, które niechciane zalegają na strychach lub nawet na śmietnikach. Karolina nie zajmuje się jedynie antykami, bo uważa, że te meble potrzebują już magicznego dotyku specjalisty, ale jeśli chcecie odświeżyć swoją komodę z IKEA lub dopasować do stylu mieszkania wysłużone biurko - żaden problem!

The longest shoes in the world
Adidas has recently created some very surprising shoes in collaboration with Estonian musician Tommy Cash. As the brand assures, they are ... the longest shoes in the world! The unusual version of the classic Superstar shoes is up to a meter long.

Nike presents shoes that will self-tie
These new shoes from Nike delight not only with an interesting color scheme, but also with an innovative solution, thanks to which we do not need hands to fasten the shoes. All thanks to a special hinge that will fasten the shoes for us.

Polish brand has created a collection for & Other Stories
& Other Stories is one of the brands belonging to the H&M concern. It is famous for its unusual designs, bold colors and a wide selection of accessories. Soon you will be able to see a collection created together with the Polish brand in the chain stores.

Primark opens the third store in Poland
Primark is a clothing chain known for its very low prices and a wide range. During one visit you can buy both clothes, underwear and home accessories. Last year, "Primark" came to Poland and despite the pandemic, the chain opened its first store. It turns out that this is not the end of the plans to conquer the Polish market.

New Warner Bros logo
This year January is definitely marked by new visual identifications of many brands. Changes have already been made by, for example, the Burger King fast food chain or the KIA car brand. Now the movie giant - Warner Bros joins this group.

Gucci x North Face
The Gucci brand is known for its love of glamor and maximalism: its designs are a sensation both in social media and on the pages of the most prestigious fashion magazines. In turn, North Face is famous for down jackets, which are not perfect for even the coldest frost.

The new Burger King logo
This is the first change in the visual identification of popular fast food in 20 years. Burger King recently unveiled a new logo that is expected to prove itself in the digital age.

Ranking of the most creative countries
Things like creativity are hard to measure, but some experts have ideas for even such difficult challenges. World Design Rankings (WDR) creates a creativity ranking based on the work of designers from around the world.

Lego Botanical Collection
The love for Lego bricks does not pass with age, after all, there are many adults who, under the pretext of shopping for children, enjoy the latest set of Danish bricks themselves. Lego has a new proposal that will please not only the youngest, but also the older ones, and the created block pieces can be useful even when organizing a party!

An Italian fashion house is shutting down its social media accounts
It cannot be denied that social media is the perfect place not only for networking, but also for promoting products. It is therefore not surprising that most famous fashion houses have their Instagram accounts, where their designs are actively promoted. It is enough to mention, for example, the Gucci fashion house, whose products are extremely popular among online influencers and bloggers.

Stylish outfit for Zoom
One of the most popular applications of the year has become Zoom - after all, what would a quarantine job be without videoconferencing? Working from home has changed not only our lifestyle, but also the outfits we wear. The Design Academy Eindhoven graduate has an idea for everyday clothes perfect for working from home.

IKEA in its advertisement draws attention to the problem of domestic violence
There is no need to convince anyone that IKEA is famous for its brilliant marketing. We remember for example the campaign advertising the chair "Harry" (after the wedding of the prince to Meghan Markle) or a playful campaign proving Apple that inductive charging is nothing new for IKEA. This time the subject of the campaign is certainly not merry.

New Zealand brand raises prices on Black Friday
Black Friday is definitely a celebration for shopping fans. Many people also call it the holiday of consumerism: it cannot be denied that among the ubiquitous discounts and opportunities it is easy to lose your common sense and buy a lot of unnecessary things. The New Zealand brand Allbirds decided, instead of lowering prices ... to raise them!

Tequila from Elon Musk
What was supposed to be just an April Fool's joke turned out to be an idea for a new brand. The eccentric founder of Tesla - Elon Musk decided to debut in a new industry: his original tequila had recently premiered!
