Michael Hansmeyer artystą kolejnej odsłony BMW Art Club. Przyszłość to sztuka
Trzecia edycja projektu artystycznego BMW Art Club. Przyszłość to sztuka porusza niezwykle aktualny temat: co wynika z połączenia technologii i sztuki? Celem znalezienia odpowiedzi na to pytanie marka zaprosiła do współpracy Michaela Hansmeyera – zdolnego artystę, architekta i eksperta od sztucznej inteligencji. Twórca wraz z BMW wykreował doświadczenie, podczas którego można zastanowić się nad relacjami między człowiekiem, technologią, sztuką i światem.

Claudia Pasquero and Marco Poletto, founders of architecture and design innovation firm ecoLogicStudio www.ecologicstudio.com are presenting their latest project GAN-Physarum: la dérive numérique within the exhibition “Réseaux-Mondes” (Worlds of Networks) that will be held at the Centre Pompidou in Paris (France) from February 23rd to April 25th, 2022.

Art and Design – aukcja sztuki i unikatowego dizajnu
Już 25 czerwca, na największym portalu rynku sztuki Artinfo.pl, rusza pierwsza aukcja internetowa z cyklu Art and Design pod kuratorską opieką Ewy Mierzejewskiej. Obok prac znanych artystów będziemy licytować dzieła unikatowego dizajnu z prywatnej kolekcji Borisa Kudlički i Aleksandry Pogassi-Kudlički. Partnerem wydarzenia jest Mysia 3.

Pole porów świecących w ciemności
Daan Roosegaarde to holenderski artysta i założyciel Studio Roosegaarde, które zajmuje się projektami, które łączą ze sobą technologię i sztukę. Jego najnowsza praca to piękny hołd dla rolnictwa, który rozpala wyobraźnię niczym film „E.T.” Stevena Spielberga….

An exhibition of Banksy's works will take place in Warsaw!
Banksy is one of the most interesting street art artists. He is known for his creation of graffiti, happenings and films (it is enough to recall the document "Exit through the souvenir shop"). Soon we will be able to admire the works of the famous artist in Warsaw!

Banksy komentuje śmierć George'a Floyda
On his Instagram profile, the famous street art artist Banksy shared a photo of his latest work commentary on the death of George Floyd. "The system disappoints people with a skin color other than white," he added in the description.

Christo is dead
The famous artist and pioneer of land art Christo is dead. Bulgarian media informed about the death of the artist on Sunday evening. Known for packing buildings, the artist died at his home in New York. He was 84 years old.

Portrait in the lead role
Today we present you the fascinating work of the Chinese-Australian illustrator Yi Xiao Chen. Her works seduce with subtle delicacy and a passion for unique designs.
The art of illusion
Although sight provides us with many unique stimuli, it's not always worth trusting what we see. The phenomenon of optical illusion used by artists was extensively described by Ernst Hans Gombrich in his book "Art and Illusion". Contemporary artists also reach for the phenomenon of illusion and use it using the latest technology.

Artists use augmented reality technology to sell works of art
Due to the pandemic, many museums and cultural institutions are closed. This is not only a loss for culture, but also for artists for whom the exhibition of their works is also often a selling opportunity. Therefore, the two artists decided to create a virtual platform on which you can sell a work of art without leaving home.

A Polish photographer has won a prestigious award
Photo taken by Polish photographer - Kasia Idźkowska won the international, prestigious Jazz World Photo competition. The winning work shows a young American double bass player Russell Hall.

Thieves took advantage of a pandemic to steal Van Gogh's work
Although the Internet is full of noble initiatives related to the coronavirus epidemic, some use this time for infamous purposes. The best example of this is the theft of the Van Gogh painting from the Dutch museum Singer Laren.

Artist and longtime partner of Marina Abramović - Ulay is dead
Ulay - Frank Uwe Laysiepen - for over 12 years was the life and artistic partner of one of the most famous artists Marina Abramović. The artist died last night, he was 76 years old.
