„Natura wymyśliła większość rozwiązań, których moglibyśmy potrzebować” – wywiad z Maciejem Głowackim
O „powrocie do natury” jako strategii projektowej, współczesnej Przysiędze Hipokratesa dla projektantów oraz wyzwaniach stojących przed designem w czasach katastrofy klimatycznej rozmawiamy z Maciejem Głowackim, który w odpowiedzi na kryzys medyczny wywołany epidemią COVID-19 opracował jednoczęściowe, ekologiczne wymazówki o kształcie zainspirowanym językiem kolibra.

99% paper pregnancy test
The Australian start-up Hoopsy has created a recyclable pregnancy test that is 99 percent made of paper. In this way, the young company wants to create an ecological solution that will be an alternative to the millions of disposable plastic tests that end up in the landfill every year.

Post-it + Pantone
Nowa kolekcja Post-it Note powstała we współpracy z Pantone Color Institute to prawdziwa gratka dla wszystkich fanów kolorów. Słynne kolorowe karteczki utrzymane są w odcieniach z gamy nowojorskiego instytutu.

Piękno w jednym miejscu
Wioletta Sawicka przez wiele lat była związana z branżą PR. Pracowała w międzynarodowych korporacjach, ale zawsze marzyła o stworzeniu miejsca z wyjątkowymi, wyselekcjonowanymi akcesoriami i produktami do domu. inUgo.pl to efekt tego marzenia.

A stool made of recycled paper
Ecology is a very important factor in contemporary design. More and more creators are wondering not only how to create beautiful and useful items, but also how not to harm the environment. An example of a beautiful and at the same time good for nature product is the latest project of the EBBA studio.

Ceramics in the furniture
The German brand Favius has prepared two surprising projects in which you can see a sculptural approach to design. Interestingly, in both cases, ceramics were used, and in a very elegant edition. Meet the FONTE table lamp by Christian Haas and the BROMO table by Hanne Willmann.

A box that will keep you organized
While cleaning your home can be quite a challenge, sometimes keeping it tidy on a daily basis is even greater. Fortunately, there are more and more interestingly designed items on the market to help organize everyday life. This is also the case with this project by the CP-RV duo.

A surprising design classic made of rolls
This couch proposal may appeal to all lovers of bakery pastries. Gab Bois propose a reinterpretation of a classic sofa designed by Mario Bellini, made of ... hamburger rolls and hot dogs rolls!

A fruit alternative to animal leather
Berlin-based designer Youyang Song used the peel of fruit and algae to create plant material that is an alternative to leather. Peelsphere is not only flexible and waterproof, but also completely biodegradable.

Nature-friendly SPA
Most hot tubs are made of non-recyclable materials. The products of the Canadian company Goodland are an ideal alternative that is good not only for people, but also for the natural environment.

Chair made of waste
The New Raw design studio is committed to a zero-waste philosophy, creating a limited edition Ermis chair that was made from waste sourced from their own production facilities in Rotterdam.

Time for Superwood!
Ecology has seriously entered the world of design and we hope that it will stay there as long as possible. Designers realize that our planet's resources are already very limited - that's why they are looking for new materials from waste that will not harm it. Meet "Superwood"!

Czech wave
Today we present the latest collection of the Czech creative duo Lexová & Smetana. Tables from the "SWELL" collection surprise with an interesting form and precision of workmanship.

A playground with the cleanest air in Warsaw
This is the last moment to have fun on a very unusual playground. Air Bubble was created in Warsaw - a playground with sea algae that purifies the air.

Collection made from food
More and more designers work with materials from recycling. The fact that the glass, the plastic or paper can be used again in an effective way is already well known. And what to do with the brazing waste, such as food waste?

Beach furniture made of plastic reclaimed from the ocean
Dutch design studio "The New Raw" recently presented the collection "The Elements" - a limited series of beach furniture that is digitally produced from recycled marine plastic waste. Furniture is made using 3D printing.

Street lamp powered by the wind
Berlin-based design student Tobias Trübenbacher has developed a lantern with an integrated wind turbine that produces its own renewable energy and only lights up when needed. The project aims to reduce light pollution and emissions from street lighting and mitigate its impact on humans and animals.

Benches that will allow for social distance
Hai Studio has created a design of unique benches to prevent FOMO during the coronavirus pandemic. The name of the project "Nomo Fomo" is short for "No More Fear of Missing Out".

Paper boxes for cosmetics from Nendo
More and more designers are wondering how to use design for the sake of ecology. A particularly important problem is the replacement of plastic packaging, the decomposition of which is extremely harmful to the environment. Japanese Nendo studio has created an alternative to disposable cosmetics packaging.

New Renault logo
As we have already written, 2021 is a year of changes in the logos of big brands, in particular in the automotive market. After the KIA and Peugeot concern, it is time for another legend of the French automotive industry - Renault.
