Minimalism in Spain

The apartment is located in a building dating from the 1950s. When it was built, it was on the outskirts of Valencia, in a fairly poor neighborhood. 59 square meters was divided into three rooms with almost no common space. Today, however, the place is actually in the city center, and the interior required a new interpretation.

Author: JC

Photos: David Zarzoso

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The Xarquitectos studio is responsible for the design of the minimalistic apartment. One of the first decisions was to combine separate rooms, thanks to which it was possible to get a comfortable living space. As the apartment is for a couple, only one bedroom was needed.

The interior was almost completely demolished and the existing construction of the building was revealed. The architects decided to emphasize the metal structure, industrial rivets and reinforced concrete elements - the existing architecture has become an interesting background for a minimalist interior.

One of the architects' priorities was also to bring as much natural light into the interior as possible. A palette of warm shades of white and beige and a wooden floor added coziness to the raw architecture.

 On the kitchen island, it was decided to imitate stone, due to its weight, while in the bathroom the stone was found both on the walls and on the floor.

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